Matt's Mid-week Meditation

Feb 15, 2023

Hey there! 

Welcome to a special mid-week edition of the Balanced Construction Executive.

This morning, I had a powerful meditation practice I wanted to share with the BCE faithful.

I hope it shows you the power of meditation, and the goodness you are capable of bringing into the world.

I don't know if I'll do this every week, but if you love it, then reply to this email telling me what you loved, and maybe we'll make it a staple!

          Matt's Mid-Week Meditation:
                  Does Love = Joy?


Read time: 1 minute


Meditating this morning, I repeated a simple mantra in my mind:

“I radiate love. I radiate joy. I radiate peace.”

As I sunk deeper and deeper into the meditative state, I stared into my 3rd eye chakra and looked for the light.

Breathing, in and out - the gentle rise and fall of my chest like waves cresting in the middle of the ocean - repeating the mantra, I saw it. I saw the light.

A bright white light, in fact, emanating from my heart out into the world around me.

“I radiate love. I radiate joy.”

“I radiate peace.”

The light turned pale blue as I moved from joy to peace.

Which caught my mind by surprise.

Why are love and joy a white light, but peace is blue?

Are love and joy so similar to my mind, body, and soul that on a deeper level I see them as the same?

I reflected:

Love, to me, is a deep sense of understanding between two people or things.

Joy, meanwhile, is a connection between the heart and what you are experiencing in the outer world.

I feel love when I feel joy.

I feel joy when I feel love.

"Maybe they’re not so different," I thought.

I come back to my breath.

In. Out. In. Out. In. Out.

I see the white light again.

I smile and open my eyes.

Now, on with my day

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